Privacy Policy




私たちSkyus, Inc.及び、ぼくらの合同会社は(以下「当社」といいます)は、当社が提供するTenyes.worldにおける利用者に関する情報(サービスをご利用いただくお客様に関する全ての情報を指し、以下、「利用者情報」という)を以下の通り取り扱います。


1. 適用範囲



2. 取得する利用者情報及び利用方法



















携帯電話やウエアラブル端末から受けたジャイロ情報、GPS情報やヘルス情報等からの情報を元にデータ受信の可否情報として発信者へ送信します また、過去の情報を元に受信可否情報を推定します。




ユーザーの設定内容の保存等お客様の利便性向上のため、セッションの維持及び保護等セキュリティのため、広告の効果を計測したりより関心の強いご案内をご提供するため、お客様が利用した本サービスに対する訪問回数及び利用形態、お客様の規模等の把握により、より良いサービスを提供するためにクッキーを利用いたします。また、本サービスではGoogle Analyticsを利用する場合がございます。 お客様はクッキーの使用可否を選択できますが、クッキーの保存を拒む場合にはログインが必要なサービス等、本サービスの一部をご利用いただけない場合がございます。



お客様が本サービスを利用した際にIP アドレス、ブラウザ種類、ブラウザ言語等の情報が自動で生成、保存されます。また、これらの情報は利用者環境を分析し、より良いサービス提供のため、また正常なサービス提供を妨害する不正行為防止のために利用いたします。



本サービスでは、お客様へのサービス提供のためお客様が本サービスを通じて行った利用状況に関する情報を自動的に取得することがあります。 例えば、お客様自身が他の利用者とコミュニケーションのためにテキスト、画像・動画、音声などの情報(以下「コンテンツ」と言います。)を送信、投稿することができますが、これらの情報はシステム上当社サーバーを経由して送信され、この際、コンテンツの送信相手やデータ形式、操作日時等もサーバー上に一時的に記録されます。また、記録される内容には本サービス上でタップ・クリックによってアクセスしたURL情報などが含まれる場合があります。










3. 利用者情報の利用目的













4. 利用者情報の第三者提供










5. 利用者情報の共同利用







6. 他社モジュールの設置について



7. 広告について

当社は、個々のお客様のニーズにあった最適な広告を配信できるよう取り組んでいます。 一方、サービスの特性上プライバシーに十分配慮し、お客様に安心してご利用いただける環境を提供することが重要と考え、お客様の利便性とプライバシーのバランスを考慮して広告配信において実施しない事項を定めております。


8. 利用者の権利

お客様はいつでもご登録されているメールアドレスや電話番号等の情報を、本サービスサイト上で確認することができます。また、アカウントを削除することができます。 お客様は当社に対し、サービス上で確認できない個人情報の開示や利用目的の通知を求める場合、当社が別途定めた手続きに従って、次の場合を除き開示等を請求することができます。














9. 退会者の情報



10. 本プライバシーポリシーの改定



11. お問い合わせ



12. 準拠法及び管轄裁判所










Privacy Policy (English Translation)


We, Skyus, Inc. and Bokura LLC, will handle information about users of provided by us (all information about customers who use the service, hereinafter referred to as “user information”) as follows.


1. scope of application

This Privacy Policy applies to (hereinafter referred to as “the Service”). This Privacy Policy does not apply to the collection of user information by the websites of other service providers listed on the Service website as described in “Installation of Other Companies’ Modules” and other sections of this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy applies only to customers who use the Service. 


2.User Information Collected and Method of Use

We collect and use user information for the Service as follows.


(Information to be provided)

We may ask you to provide the following information when you use the Service. The provision of this information is optional, but if you do not provide it, you may not be able to use the Service or a part of the Service.


-Account Registration Information

When you start using the Service, you will be asked to register your telephone number, e-mail address, or Internet ID. This information will be used to log in to the Service and to identify users on the Service.


-Address Book

The address book of the cell phone device is obtained only when acquiring the display name of an acquaintance in the contact book. Only the display name and phone number are retrieved from the address book, and no other information such as e-mail addresses other than those for cell phones is retrieved. This information is used only to find other users who are acquaintances or potential acquaintances, to register or recommend them as a recipient for sending and receiving communications, and to prevent unauthorized use.


-Location Information, etc.

This service uses GPS information, gyro information, health information, etc. to determine whether or not to receive a message. This service uses GPS information, gyro information, health information, etc. to determine whether or not to receive a message. If you do not allow the use of the above information in your cell phone settings, etc., this information will not be sent to you.


-Health Information

This service displays health information only to those with whom you have given permission to share it. In addition, personal health information (number of steps, calories, blood pressure, body temperature, heart rate using Healthkit, etc.) will not be sent to unspecified users who have not given permission for sharing.


(Receipt/rejection information)

Data is sent to the sender based on information received from cell phones and wearable devices, such as gyro information, GPS information, health information, etc., as data reception availability information.


(Service usage information)


We use cookies to improve customer convenience by storing user preferences, to maintain and protect sessions and for other security purposes, to measure the effectiveness of advertisements and to provide information of greater interest, and to provide better service by understanding the number of visits to the Service made by the customer, the type of use, the size of the customer, etc. Cookies are used to measure the effectiveness of advertisements and to provide you with more interesting information. The Service may also use Google Analytics. If you choose not to save cookies, you may not be able to use certain parts of the Service, such as services that require logging in.


-Access Log

When a customer uses the Service, information such as IP address, browser type, and browser language is automatically generated and stored. This information is used to analyze the user environment, to provide better service, and to prevent illegal activities that may interfere with the normal provision of service.


-Information on Service Usage

The Service may automatically collect information about your use of the Service in order to provide you with the Service. For example, you may send or post information such as text, images, video, and audio (hereinafter referred to as “Contents”) to communicate with other users. This information is transmitted through our servers in the system, and at this time, information such as the party to whom the content is sent, the data format, and the date and time of operation is temporarily recorded on the server. In addition, the recorded information may include URL information accessed by tapping or clicking on the Service.


Of this information, non-public content exchanged between customers is encrypted, and the Company will not view or use the content, etc. without the consent of the customer.


-Equipment Information

The Company may acquire information on the device used by the customer (OS, device identification information, computer name, advertisement ID, language settings, etc.). We may also link the acquired advertising ID to an internal identifier that we have assigned to the customer. This information will be used for the purpose of providing better service, verifying your identity, and preventing fraudulent activities that may interfere with the normal provision of service.


(Information related to use of services operated by third parties)

In order to provide the best service to our customers, we may receive user information from third parties. In some cases, we may receive user information from affiliated companies that operate their own services, and in other cases, we may receive user information from affiliated companies that operate services linked to the Service, such as official accounts and logins. In addition, when you use a service linked with a third party, we may automatically issue an internal identifier to link your user information with that service and share it with that third party. 


3.Purpose of Use of User Information

We use the acquired user information for the following purposes.

To enable you to use the Service smoothly.

 To allow customers to share activities with their friends.

 To respond to inquiries from customers.

 To plan and provide new plans for our future services.

  To conduct statistical surveys based on anonymous information

  To measure and analyze the movement of users over time.

 To send important notices regarding our services and other communications as necessary.

 To prevent unauthorized use of our services

 To prevent unauthorized use of our services, such as spamming and unauthorized access.

 To confirm the identity of the user and to contact the user in the event of unauthorized use. 


4.Provision of User Information to Third Parties

We will not provide user information to third parties without the consent of the customer, except as permitted by law. However, the following cases are exceptions.


-When the minimum necessary information is provided for identification of the user by a partner business, such as when a customer uses a service linked with a third party.

In such cases, we will provide only the minimum necessary information (internal identifier, a part of device information (ad ID, language settings, etc.)) to the third party, and will confirm the customer’s intention before providing name, gender, age, occupation, telephone number, etc. We will confirm the customer’s intention before providing name, gender, age, occupation, telephone number, etc. The third party may include foreign corporations.


Use of data for statistical purposes

In this case, after encrypting information that can identify individual users, statistical data may be created from access log information logs and other historical information, and only the statistical data may be provided to third parties. 


5. joint use of user information

We will share user information with our group companies (subsidiaries and affiliates, defined in accordance with the “Regulations Concerning Terms, Forms, and Preparation Methods of Financial Statements, etc.”, including subsidiaries and affiliates located outside of Japan) to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use.


The user information to be jointly used is the same as the items described in “User Information to be Obtained and the Method of Use” above.

The purpose of joint use is the same as the purpose of use described in “Purposes of Use of User Information” above (however, with respect to the purpose of joint use, “we” shall be read as “our group” and “this service” shall be read as “services provided by our group”).

The Company shall be responsible for the management of the shared use of personal information. For inquiries, please contact us using the Inquiry Form. 


6. Installation of Other Companies’ Modules

The Company may install modules from other companies in smartphone applications for the Service in order to measure the effectiveness of advertisements for the purpose of paying advertising agencies for the cost of advertisements for the Service placed in other companies’ media, or for analyzing usage conditions, etc.


7. about advertisements

We strive to deliver the most appropriate advertisements that meet the needs of individual customers. On the other hand, due to the nature of the service, we consider it important to provide an environment where customers can use the service with peace of mind while giving full consideration to privacy.


8. user rights

You may check your e-mail address, phone number, and other information registered with the Service at any time on the Service site. You may also delete your account. 8. Customers may request the Company to disclose personal information that cannot be confirmed on the Service or to notify the purpose of use of such information, in accordance with the procedures separately established by the Company, except in the following cases: – When the disclosure of such information is necessary to protect the life of the individual or a third party.


When disclosure may harm the life, body, property, or other rights or interests of the customer or a third party.

When disclosure is likely to cause significant hindrance to the proper conduct of the Company’s business

When disclosure would violate laws and regulations

When we cannot confirm that the request for disclosure is made by the person himself/herself



If, as a result of disclosure, the customer determines that the personal information held by the Company is not true, the customer may request that the personal information be corrected, added, or deleted in accordance with procedures separately established by the Company. In such a case, we will investigate without delay to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use, and correct, add, or delete the relevant personal information based on the results of the investigation.


In the event that a customer requests disclosure of personal information that cannot be confirmed on the service website, the customer may be required to pay a disclosure fee in accordance with procedures separately stipulated by the Company.


Notwithstanding the aforementioned provisions, in principle, the Company will not disclose any information other than personal information, such as historical information and characteristic information. 


9. information of a member who has withdrawn from the service

When you delete your account for this service, all your personal information will be deleted after a certain period of time, after which it will be retained internally with security measures in place for a certain period of time.


10.Revision of this Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy may be revised from time to time. When important changes are made, we will notify customers of the revisions in a manner that is easy for them to understand.


11. inquiries

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, or if you have any questions, complaints, or concerns about the handling of user information in this service, please contact us by e-mail.


12 Governing Law and Court of Jurisdiction

All disputes related to this website and its contents shall be governed by the laws of Japan.

The Tokyo District Court or the Tokyo Summary Court shall be the exclusive court of first instance for the resolution of disputes.


Enacted on September 30, 2022