

SkyPlus Feeling meeting

SkyPlus は、あなたの時間管理と、どうしても着信を受けれない時あなたに代わって発信者へ、あなたが忙しい旨お知らせするアプリです。
If you do not want to receive calls now, while driving for example, or because you’re otherwise busy and/or unavailable, you can notify potential callers by using SkyPlus.
SkyPlus download from AppStore.スカイプラスをアップストアからダウンロード SkyPlus download from playStore.スカイプラスをプレイストアからダウンロード

SkyPlus Your Time Management、 Just not able to respond now.


❓  こんな時、「SkyPlus」で、事前に返答メッセージをセットしておけば、相手にあなたの状況を伝えることができます。


If you do not want to receive calls now, while driving for example, or because you’re otherwise busy and/or unavailable, you can notify potential callers by using SkyPlus.

🙅‍♀‍ ”I don’t want to receive calls or messages right now.”
🚗 “I can’t reply to calls or messages because I’m in transit.”
📅 By synchronizing to the (?) calendar application, you can indicate unavailability due to meetings, hospital visits, etc.
❓ In such a case, if you set a reply message in advance with “SkyPlus”, you can communicate your availability to others.

Also, if “SkyPlus” is online, you can notify the calling party by SMS💬 even if the other party does not have “SkyPlus” installed (Android only),

・カレンダー同期がオンの場合、カレンダータイトルに含まれている文字からテキストリストの文字を検知した場合、発信者へ、スケジュール中の旨、プッシュ通知もしくはSMSにて返信されます。  ※スケジュール内容は返信されません。

📤 Notification to potential callers
-When busy mode is on, a reply message to the caller will be returned by push notification or SMS.
-If In Transit mode is on and SkyPlus detects movement, a reply message will be sent to the caller by push notification or SMS.
-When calendar synchronization is on, if a character in the text list is detected from the characters included in the calendar title, the caller will be notified by a push notification or SMS that the scheduled activity is in progress.
※ Schedule contents will not be replied.